I'm down to a weight I never thought I would see again. But I think I could be lower. Shocking, right? But I still snack. Probably my biggest fault. My snacks are not of evil things. They are all acceptable whole foods within my pescatarian/vegetarian eating plan. Between classes and client stretches and going from studio to studio and home, I tend to want to munch. My check-in plan is to minimize my snacking. Could say eliminate, but I'm a realist. I believe in setting myself up for success. If I say eliminate and I snack, then I've set myself up for any potential failure. If I plan on being better than I was yesterday, then I have a better than even chance of being successful.
Why don't you share your check in with us. If you are not into social media, don't hesitate to share with us when you see us at the studio, or text or email us.
My goal is to return to my full carnivore lifestyle. Most days I'm there but occasionally I allow emotional eating to lead me to eating a few carbs. But I'll claim a victory in the fact that I never stray from super low carb even when I stray. So I still weigh less than I did in High School and am strong, flexible (for me) and healthy
I'm down to a weight I never thought I would see again. But I think I could be lower. Shocking, right? But I still snack. Probably my biggest fault. My snacks are not of evil things. They are all acceptable whole foods within my pescatarian/vegetarian eating plan. Between classes and client stretches and going from studio to studio and home, I tend to want to munch. My check-in plan is to minimize my snacking. Could say eliminate, but I'm a realist. I believe in setting myself up for success. If I say eliminate and I snack, then I've set myself up for any potential failure. If I plan on being better than I was yesterday, then I have a better than even chance of being successful.
Why don't you share your check in with us. If you are not into social media, don't hesitate to share with us when you see us at the studio, or text or email us.
Ms. Peg is inspirational... she motivates me every day
My goal is to return to my full carnivore lifestyle. Most days I'm there but occasionally I allow emotional eating to lead me to eating a few carbs. But I'll claim a victory in the fact that I never stray from super low carb even when I stray. So I still weigh less than I did in High School and am strong, flexible (for me) and healthy