Thank you Riverszen for the huge gift of all of you! You have changed my life.

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We are so blessed to have members like you who make our life's work a true joy. Your engagement, attitude and support are the building blocks that help solidify our mission. Thank you! The Littles love you for a whole host of other reasons.

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Merry Christmas Dave, Peggy, and Kim, with immense gratitude for believing in all of us and our ability to age well, and for encouraging us to be our best selves every day. You make our lives better in so many ways. Thank You for all You give to all of us. Peace and Best Wishes Always❤️🎄

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You have been with us since the beginning. Thank you. You are certainly the poster child for our mission. You have weathered many a health related storm in our time together and have prevailed with each one. We will continue on supporting each other through the years to come. Hugs!!

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